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A friendly wave from the head end brakeman.....just look at that CP (Rail) freight …..well.....GO !

Always power short...leased power remains common even today....some things never change.... perhaps if CP took better care of their own units....

CP Rail Extra GO 513 west is in charge of a CP Rail ( a division of Canadian Pacific Limited) freight on the Galt Subdivision's near the Hornby Dip. 

May 3, 1980 Kodachrome by S. Danko

What's interesting:

GO 513 is a F40PH GMD built 1978, to Amtrak 413 in 1990

 Jim Adeney also caught GO 513 in CP Rail freight service, see:


Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.

Caption: A friendly wave from the head end brakeman.....just look at that CP (Rail) freight …..well.....GO !

Always power short...leased power remains common even today....some things never change.... perhaps if CP took better care of their own units....

CP Rail Extra GO 513 west is in charge of a CP Rail ( a division of Canadian Pacific Limited) freight on the Galt Subdivision's near the Hornby Dip.

May 3, 1980 Kodachrome by S. Danko

What's interesting:

GO 513 is a F40PH GMD built 1978, to Amtrak 413 in 1990

Jim Adeney also caught GO 513 in CP Rail freight service, see:



sdfourty [728] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/03/1980 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: GO Transit 513 (search)
Train Symbol: CP Rail extra GO 513 west (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Rail Galt Sub mile 27 (search)
City/Town: CP Rail Galt Sub mile 27 (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=14656
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  1. James Adeney captured the same freight west of Milton:

  2. Interesting to note in this shot that the train is running against the current of traffic. Welded rail and the CTC signal system to support the soon to be introduced Milton GO service were being installed at this time. The later shot of this frieght by A. Mooney west of Milton, shows it running with the current of traffic.
    One trip I was working as conducor, and I had 38 train orders on my clearnace out of Toronto Yard west to London. Usual was about 5. These could be augmented by temporary operator posted at Dixie in the section shack..and orders hooped up at Streetsville.

    It was common to recive orders at the prior two locations, instructing us to cross over to the other track, using the manual switches, at some spot on the double track, to get around track and signal work being done.

  3. A subsequent check of my 1980 time book indicates that I worked this same train west out of London to Windsor. It is train 903.

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