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A couple of CP guys are riding speeder 27 0301 on secondary track close to Galt Sub signal 113.7
Location has been mapped to Adelaide St at the west end of Quebec Street yard.
If that is right, the industrial buildings have since been demolished, replaced by a Self-Storage facility.
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Parnell photo, J.Pittman collection all rights reserved.

Caption: A couple of CP guys are riding speeder 27 0301 on secondary track close to Galt Sub signal 113.7

Location has been mapped to Adelaide St at the west end of Quebec Street yard.
If that is right, the industrial buildings have since been demolished, replaced by a Self-Storage facility.

John Parnell photo, J.Pittman collection [17] (more) (contact)
Date: 1991-08-30 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 2703-01 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Galt Sub mp 113.7 (search)
City/Town: London (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=41508
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Photo ID: 40300

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. CP 2703-01 is a Woodings Railcar Limited Model CBI 2-man inspection motor car. These units were manufactured in Alexandria, ON in the 1980′s.

  2. Thank you Paul for identifying the maker and model. (Glad I didn’t offer an incorrect guess).
    I suppose that is their logo on the front access door.
    Regret that the equipment number as captioned has the blank in the wrong place.

  3. The CP work equipment numbering system is comprised of four numerals, a dash, then two numerals.
    I’d be glad to send you a pic of the original Woodings Railcar logo, just email me through the moderators.

  4. Love the STOP sign in his hand :-)

  5. CP yard crews used to switch the paper company seen in the photo. At one time when it was double track to Richmond Street, there was switch tender at Adelaide Street who also operated the gates, & they would drop the gates for motorcars, but by this date they were gone, so the crossing would have to be flagged hence the stop sign. Adelaide is undergoing a grade separation now further changing this scene.

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