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A CN morning passenger train speeds eastward past Aldershot Cold Storage, about to pass under Waterdown Road.
Powered by MLW RS-18 CN 3104 and GMD GP40 CN 4016, the train has a Steam Generator unit, 5 coaches, and looks like a baggage car trailing.
The businesses between the tracks and Highway 403, the nearest with Esso signs, are long gone. 
Perhaps they were related to the Cold Storage operation; I wonder how that area used to be accessed.
The major roads and railway remain, but much has changed since 1975.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Unknown, J.Pittman collection all rights reserved.

Caption: A CN morning passenger train speeds eastward past Aldershot Cold Storage, about to pass under Waterdown Road.
Powered by MLW RS-18 CN 3104 and GMD GP40 CN 4016, the train has a Steam Generator unit, 5 coaches, and looks like a baggage car trailing.

The businesses between the tracks and Highway 403, the nearest with Esso signs, are long gone.
Perhaps they were related to the Cold Storage operation; I wonder how that area used to be accessed.

The major roads and railway remain, but much has changed since 1975.

Unknown, J.Pittman collection [288] (more) (contact)
Date: March 1975 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 3104, CN 4016 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CN Oakville Sub MP 34.7 (search)
City/Town: Aldershot (Burlington) (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=41096
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Photo ID: 39889

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  1. The Esso facility, the old station and whatever that outfit is beyond Esso, were accessed off Waterdown Road.
    For many years there was no interchange on/off the 403 here. Then it was decided to put in an off-ramp from the eastbound lanes and an on-ramp to the westbound lanes. The off-ramp was placed along the north edge of that Esso facility and is basically the same ramp today.

  2. To further expand upon @mercer’s comment, note that the freight track to the right of the train would have run in behind the station, if the old station was still standing practically straight across from the old cold storage facility…sad that today, so much has been pushed aside via the wrecker’s ball.

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