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A busy scene at the elevator in Tupperville, Ontario. Grain dust fills the air as a transport takes on a load of area grain. The conductor of D924 has bent the iron to gain access to the last customer serviced by CSX on the former C&O Sub 2 south of Sarnia to exchange the four grain loads with four empties. CSX ceased service through here in October 2013 and the rails have remained silent ever since.
Copyright Notice: This image ©David Young all rights reserved.

Caption: A busy scene at the elevator in Tupperville, Ontario. Grain dust fills the air as a transport takes on a load of area grain. The conductor of D924 has bent the iron to gain access to the last customer serviced by CSX on the former C&O Sub 2 south of Sarnia to exchange the four grain loads with four empties. CSX ceased service through here in October 2013 and the rails have remained silent ever since.

David Young [294] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/11/2009 (search)
Railway: CSX Transportation (search)
Reporting Marks: CSXT 2570 (search)
Train Symbol: CSXT D924 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Mile 35, CSX Sarnia Sub (search)
City/Town: Tupperville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=51975
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  1. Brilliant and historical photo David, thanks for posting

  2. Hi Dave, great image. The last train in October 2013 lifted cars from Hazzards (FS partners) in Wallaceburg so Hazzards was the last CSX customer on that part of the line.

    In the final years the last customers W#allaceburg to Chatham were two in Wallaceburg (Hazzards and IFP opposite side of river on Base Line road) along with LAC in Tupperville and Southwest Agromart in Eberts.

    There is a debate on if Southwest Agromart got cars in 2013 but they were only an occasional shipper but it’s highly likely they did get cars. Also there was a rumour a car did go to the former Belt Line in Dresden.

    Interestingly, if you check google street view in August 2013 in Wallaceburg on Base Line at the same IFP property where Bill Namink and sons restored the centrecabs, you can see one of his GE centrecabs seemingly switching tank cars on the property just months prior to abandonment.

    There are three customers south of Corunna served by CSX today – former Becker Industries/GE now Trillium Distribution just north of Terra, Forge Hydrocarbons in former Methes/Chinook, and OPG with the scrap from Lambton Generating (for another year at least). Air Liquide stopped getting cars but that could change… they are still there. Service down there is once a week.

    Occasional dimensional loads have also gone south – transformers and the like.

    In Corunna there’s a gaggle of customers and they get serviced 5 to 6 days a week.

  3. Also the line is still owned by someone and the intentions of “2719545 Ontario Inc” are still not known. No change…..

  4. Thanks for filling in the gaps Steve. I knew I could count on you to fill in the details about this one. Also want to shout out Chris Gallow who showed me around this day!

  5. Anytime. I am still hopeful we’ll get more time down there if a shortline actually re-opens.

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