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37 years after its delivery, TTC 5685 (and most of the Hawker Siddeley H5 fleet built in 1976-79) were still racking up the miles under Toronto's streets, providing service on the busy Yonge-University-Spadina line (YUS, now "Line 1") alongside the fleet of younger Bombardier T1's. But, new Bombardier Toronto Rocket (TR) subway trains were starting to come online, meaning the days of the remaining H-series fleet (H4, H5 and H6 cars) would be numbered.

Here, after a brief stopover at St. Clair Subway Station after riding new TR set 5401-5406, we waited for a southbound train and 5685 pulled up as the lead car. Upon boarding, it was a short ride to Rosedale station for more photos before heading downtown to an afternoon appointment.

5685 would be retired the next year in May 2012, and sent to Future Enterprises in Hamilton for scrapping.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Dan Dell'Unto all rights reserved.

Caption: 37 years after its delivery, TTC 5685 (and most of the Hawker Siddeley H5 fleet built in 1976-79) were still racking up the miles under Toronto's streets, providing service on the busy Yonge-University-Spadina line (YUS, now "Line 1") alongside the fleet of younger Bombardier T1's. But, new Bombardier Toronto Rocket (TR) subway trains were starting to come online, meaning the days of the remaining H-series fleet (H4, H5 and H6 cars) would be numbered.

Here, after a brief stopover at St. Clair Subway Station after riding new TR set 5401-5406 north, we waited for a southbound train and 5685 pulled up as the lead car on this consist of H5's. Upon boarding, it was a short ride to Rosedale station for more photos before heading downtown to an afternoon appointment.

5685 would be retired the next year in May 2012, and sent to Future Enterprises in Hamilton for scrapping.

Dan Dell'Unto [1016] (more) (contact)
Date: 10/05/2011 (search)
Railway: Toronto Transit Commission (search)
Reporting Marks: TTC 5685 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: St. Clair Subway Station - Yonge Line (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=53582
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