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Rust Buster! 12:30 p.m. March 26, 1995, CN Kingston Subdivision mile 313.0,  Pickering, Ontario: the first train in nine days enters the Pickering GO station south platform track. This \'rust buster\' train (all empties) is crewed by management personnel and powered at the east end by CN SD40u 6016 (remanufactured 1995 by AMF, original number 5026 (GMD 1967)) and at the west end by BBD HR616 2111. The purpose of the rust buster trains (this one operated over all CN switches and tracks at Liverpool and Pickering Jct. And similarly at the GO Junction switches) is  to remove rail rust built up over the nine day national rail  stoppage in anticipation of the back to work order by the Canadian Government. Understand similar trains operated at other locations across the country (pix out there anyone?). At the same time this train operated the Canadian Parliament is conducting a Sunday session and debating the merits  of the proposed Bill C 77 to end the nine day national rail strike. Bill C 77 passed later in the day March 26, 1995 and received Royal Acent same day. ( At the time the CNR was a Crown Corporation, later in this year the CNR will become a public corporation and CN stock will commence trading on public stock exchanges). Kodak Kodacolor II negative. Photographer S. Danko.
Copyright Notice: This image ©sdfourty all rights reserved.

Caption: Rust Buster! 12:30 p.m. March 26, 1995, CN Kingston Subdivision mile 313.0, Pickering, Ontario: the first train in nine days enters the Pickering GO station south platform track. This 'rust buster' train (all empties) is crewed by management personnel and powered at the east end by CN SD40u 6016 (remanufactured 1995 by AMF, original number 5026 (GMD 1967)) and at the west end by BBD HR616 2111. The purpose of the rust buster trains (this one operated over all CN switches and tracks at Liverpool and Pickering Jct. And similarly at the GO Junction switches) is to remove rail rust built up over the nine day national rail stoppage in anticipation of the back to work order by the Canadian Government. Understand similar trains operated at other locations across the country (pix out there anyone?). At the same time this train operated the Canadian Parliament is conducting a Sunday session and debating the merits of the proposed Bill C 77 to end the nine day national rail strike. Bill C 77 passed later in the day March 26, 1995 and received Royal Acent same day. ( At the time the CNR was a Crown Corporation, later in this year the CNR will become a public corporation and CN stock will commence trading on public stock exchanges). Kodak Kodacolor II negative. Photographer S. Danko.

sdfourty [726] (more) (contact)
Date: 26/03/1995 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 2111 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Pickering (search)
City/Town: Pickering (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=3042
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