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No race here as CN 305, behind CN 2295 and DPU 8004, handily whips past CP 643 at Lovekin. 643, behind CP 5995, CITX 2790, ICE 6404, and ICE 6456 is slowly pulling through the siding as CP 130 (out of view with CP 5746, CITX 2797, and CP 5923) holds the main. Eight minutes earlier, CN 372 has roared past; four freights in under ten minutes. A long day of foaming and driving began at Lovekin in the morning as I chased a pair of SD9043MAC\'s on 3rd 234 as far east as Roblindale. Yes, they are that rare on the Belleville Sub. However, I quickly lost interest in the SD90\'s as 643\'s colourful lash-up exited Roblindale siding after meeting 3rd 234. One more shot of 643 in the glow of dusk at Bowmanville topped off what was a pretty good day. 1659hrs.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Mike Lockwood all rights reserved.

Caption: No race here as CN 305, behind CN 2295 and DPU 8004, handily whips past CP 643 at Lovekin. 643, behind CP 5995, CITX 2790, ICE 6404, and ICE 6456 is slowly pulling through the siding as CP 130 (out of view with CP 5746, CITX 2797, and CP 5923) holds the main. Eight minutes earlier, CN 372 has roared past; four freights in under ten minutes. A long day of foaming and driving began at Lovekin in the morning as I chased a pair of SD9043MAC's on 3rd 234 as far east as Roblindale. Yes, they are that rare on the Belleville Sub. However, I quickly lost interest in the SD90's as 643's colourful lash-up exited Roblindale siding after meeting 3rd 234. One more shot of 643 in the glow of dusk at Bowmanville topped off what was a pretty good day. 1659hrs.

Mike Lockwood [264] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/30/2011 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 2295 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 305 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Lovekin (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=2200
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Photo ID: 1960

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One Comment
  1. Nice catch.

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