Profile Page for jp4pix

This page shows statistics, photos, and an all-time map for jp4pix. Photographers: Filling your map and earning awards can only be done one way. Submit today!

About jp4pix

About 50 years ago I got into railway photography in Trois-Rivieres QC. After a couple of years there, moved back to Vaughan ON, then western Mississauga. Was busy with other stuff during the 80's, and the latter 00's, so about 35 years active. I still like yard pictures, but stay out nowadays. My pre-digital cameras were YashicaMat TLR (~imitation Rolleiflex, 120 film), Pentax 6x7 (120 film SLR, heavy & expensive), Pentax K1000, Nikon FE, Nikon F90x. I stuck with 120 black & white film until about 1980, then 35mm colour negative film (usually) until around 2010, before going all-digital. I also have quite a collection of railway negatives from the period 1990-1995 acquired from photographer John E. Parnell of London Ontario; his coverage of London and beyond is very impressive. I also collect train slides - some taken at Bayview Jct and vicinity that don't name the photographer have been identified from data style and handwriting as the work of Bill McArthur. Others have labelling that matches slides taken by Reg Button. Thanks for looking at my pictures, and your comments and favorites. Encourages me to spend the significant time and effort required to scan, photo-edit, research, caption and submit older images.

jp4pix's photo upload statistics

Number of images: 288
Total gold: 2949
Number of comments recieved : 507
Number of comments posted : 190
Total views: 512249

Contact jp4pix

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jp4pix's 288 photos on

jp4pix's Map:

Note: Due to Google's greediness you may have to click the OK button when it asks you if you own this website. We'll replace this in time, but it's going to be a while. Sorry :)

*Note: Only photos with GPS added upon submission are mapped here. Some users do not map images and may show a blank map. © 2006-2024 all rights reserved. Photographs are copyright of the photographer and used with permission
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