Profile Page for harricottbay

This page shows statistics, photos, and an all-time map for harricottbay. Photographers: Filling your map and earning awards can only be done one way. Submit today!

About harricottbay

A railfan since childhood, I published my first book, 'RAILS ACROSS THE ROCK - A Then & Now Celebration of the Newfoundland Railway' all in colour in 2013. In September 2014, I released the follow up titled, 'RAILS AROUND THE ROCK - A Then & Now Celebration of the Newfoundland Branchlines' featuring the various branch and industrial lines. Most recently, I released STREETCARS OF ST. JOHN’S in September of 2019 and it features images from 1900 to 1948 of the most easterly street railway in North America and their modern day color counterparts. I have just released my fourth book on the Newfoundland Railway in September 2022, TRAINS OF NEWFOUNDLAND from Flanker Press. An all colour photographic journey by train from St. John's to Port aux Basques with 116 locations and spanning the years from 1951 -1988.

harricottbay's photo upload statistics

Number of images: 104
Total gold: 1251
Number of comments recieved : 148
Number of comments posted : 349
Total views: 255927

harricottbay has 1 image in the Time Machine

Contact harricottbay

To contact harricottbay for licensing, permission, or to send a private comment click this link: (contact)
* note: all inquiries are moderated

harricottbay's 104 photos on

harricottbay's Map:

Note: Due to Google's greediness you may have to click the OK button when it asks you if you own this website. We'll replace this in time, but it's going to be a while. Sorry :)

*Note: Only photos with GPS added upon submission are mapped here. Some users do not map images and may show a blank map. © 2006-2024 all rights reserved. Photographs are copyright of the photographer and used with permission
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