Profile Page for Steve Young

This page shows statistics, photos, and an all-time map for Steve Young. Photographers: Filling your map and earning awards can only be done one way. Submit today!

About Steve Young

My interest in trains started in 1972, in London, while on a Miles for Millions Walk (Remember those?). We would bike out to Hyde Park or take the bus downtown to watch trains. I then moved to Waterloo, and in a few years acquired my first SLR. This is when my rail photography started. I visited Toronto a few times because that was where the train were. I had to go where public transit would get me. My eyesight precluded me from obtaining a Drivers License (until I was 49, while living in the "States). My folks moved to Halifax in 1980 while I stayed in Waterloo to attend school. Generally, I was too busy to much railfanning, but I did have a couple work terms in Calgary. Upon graduation in 1984, I got married and moved to Calgary for a few years. Once the oil patch tanked, my career died and we moved to Edmonton, where I went back to school and my wife's career took off. I got to be Mr Mom for about 20 years. We left Canada in Jan 1998 on what was supposed to be a temporary assignment. As my kids grew up, I had more free time and continued my rail photography. I may not be a very creative photographer, but I think I have learned enough to keep most of my shots.

Steve Young's photo upload statistics

Number of images: 781
Total gold: 5469
Number of comments recieved : 548
Number of comments posted : 188
Total views: 1195559

Contact Steve Young

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* note: all inquiries are moderated

Steve Young's 781 photos on

Steve Young's Map:

Note: Due to Google's greediness you may have to click the OK button when it asks you if you own this website. We'll replace this in time, but it's going to be a while. Sorry :)

*Note: Only photos with GPS added upon submission are mapped here. Some users do not map images and may show a blank map. © 2006-2024 all rights reserved. Photographs are copyright of the photographer and used with permission
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