Profile Page for Doug Page

This page shows statistics, photos, and an all-time map for Doug Page. Photographers: Filling your map and earning awards can only be done one way. Submit today!

About Doug Page

Doug Page is a photographer based out of the Hamilton Area and has been photographing trains since the 1950's. Doug's collection has been graciously handled by Doug's close friends and a group of volunteers pitching in to ensure the public display and preservation of his collection, not only for use in part on this site but also in other realms, including eventual donation to a suitable museum. Doug has provided his blessing on these activities and you may find him occasionally attending a Hamilton chapter UCRS meeting, of which Doug had chaired and organized for many decades. (Meetings the Fourth Friday of the month, except in summer months, at the Peoples Church, 510 Mohawk Rd in Hamilton - all are welcome - Bryce Lee now chairs these meetings) The group of volunteers who have assisted with Doug's photography include: Bryce Lee, Bruce Acheson, John Eull and Bruce Mercer.

Doug Page's photo upload statistics

Number of images: 377
Total gold: 5403
Number of comments recieved : 631
Number of comments posted : 25
Total views: 607108

Contact Doug Page

To contact Doug Page for licensing, permission, or to send a private comment click this link: (contact)
* note: all inquiries are moderated

Doug Page's 377 photos on

Doug Page's Map:

Note: Due to Google's greediness you may have to click the OK button when it asks you if you own this website. We'll replace this in time, but it's going to be a while. Sorry :)

*Note: Only photos with GPS added upon submission are mapped here. Some users do not map images and may show a blank map. © 2006-2024 all rights reserved. Photographs are copyright of the photographer and used with permission
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