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CN Celebrates the 25th Anniversary of its Privatization!

On November 17th 1995, CN’s shares were listed on the TSX and NYSE. Since then, CN has acquired the Illinois Central Railroad, the Wisconsin Central Railroad, the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway, and BC Rail. Each of those railways, as well as the Grand Trunk Western, are represented by one of the locomotives specially painted by CN for the 25th anniversary of its IPO.

CN 3115 (BC Rail), CN 8952 (GTW), CN 8898 (CN), CN 3008 (IC), CN 3069 (WC), CN 3023 (EJE)

Picture was taken with permission.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Nicolas Houde all rights reserved.

Caption: CN Celebrates the 25th Anniversary of its Privatization!

On November 17th 1995, CN’s shares were listed on the TSX and NYSE. Since then, CN has acquired the Illinois Central Railroad, the Wisconsin Central Railroad, the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway, and BC Rail. Each of those railways, as well as the Grand Trunk Western, are represented by one of the locomotives specially painted by CN for the 25th anniversary of its IPO.

CN 3115 (BC Rail), CN 8952 (GTW), CN 8898 (CN), CN 3008 (IC), CN 3069 (WC), CN 3023 (EJE)

Picture was taken with permission.

Nicolas Houde [72] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/10/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 3115 (BC Rail), CN 8952 (GTW), CN 8898 (CN), CN 3008 (IC), CN 3069 (WC), CN 3023 (EJE) (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CN Taschereau Yard (search)
City/Town: Montreal (search)
Province: Quebec (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=43418
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Photo ID: 42199

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  1. Nice!

  2. Pretty Great! Thanks for sharing

  3. Awesome. Thank you!

  4. So cool! I’m ok with what’s here. Not too overwhelming.

  5. Those came out quite nicely!

  6. It’s been confirmed that the decals were changed between the time this picture was taken and the time they were released in the wild.

  7. Very Nice Nicolas. Is you take the shot with the CEO standing out front as well for Railway Group News?

  8. Btw loving all the Colourful Heritage schemes. But where is Central Vermont, DMIR? Just nitpicking ;) Great shot.

  9. Brad, this is it. Only the 5 units. They represent the 5 major acquisitions since CN became a private company.

  10. 4 Joe. “and the grand trunk” since it wasn’t an acquisition as per the press release.

  11. https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/11/17/2128433/0/en/CN-Proud-to-Celebrate-25th-Anniversary-of-its-Privatization.html

    “It has acquired the Illinois Central Railroad, the Wisconsin Central Railroad, the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern Railway, and BC Rail. Each of those railways, as well as the Grand Trunk Western, are represented by one of the locomotives specially painted by CN for the 25th anniversary of its IPO”

  12. Nicolas: nicely done, congrads.
    Very classy C N !
    Missing: D W & P, given G T W is included.

  13. I think Nicolas’ photo – with his permission, could be used as a new rp.ca banner photo! Well done Nicolas!!!

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