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Two GMD-1 locos CN 1412 and 1437 with beltpack-capable GP38-2 CN 4719 between them are idling on the engine track at CN's Stuart St Yard in Hamilton on a rare sunny Sunday afternoon in November. 
Freshly repainted CN 4719 was seen arriving in the area on 23 Oct 2019; CN 422 dropped it off in Aldershot Yard. 
Also working in Hamilton yard together were blue GP38-2 GMTX 2163 and GP9rm CN 7029.
Coming this way later than usual is CN train 421, which dropped off a long cut of head end cars in the yard - quite a number were gondalas loaded with steel slabs.
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Pittman all rights reserved.

Caption: Two GMD-1 locos CN 1412 and 1437 with beltpack-capable GP38-2 CN 4719 between them are idling on the engine track at CN's Stuart St Yard in Hamilton on a rare sunny Sunday afternoon in November.
Freshly repainted CN 4719 was seen arriving in the area on 23 Oct 2019; CN 422 dropped it off in Aldershot Yard.
Also working in Hamilton yard together were blue GP38-2 GMTX 2163 and GP9rm CN 7029.

Coming this way later than usual is CN train 421, which dropped off a long cut of head end cars in the yard - quite a number were gondalas loaded with steel slabs.

John Pittman [288] (more) (contact)
Date: 2019-11-17 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 1412, CN 4719, CN 1437 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Hamilton Stuart St Yard (search)
City/Town: Hamilton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39479
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  1. Been configured like this since November 8. A nice gift. I was beginning to think a GMD-1 would ever make it on the triple set, yet alone to have one on both ends.

    4719 didn’t show up to Hamilton until the end of October. It led the triple set for a brief while, but was relegated to middle duty a few days after arriving. I was shocked to see it relegated to the middle so quickly but apparently the speedometer is busted which I could see being an issue for 555 I guess.

  2. Very nice lash up with the bookended GMD-1′s! And nice to see they are getting round to repainting the Geep 40′s and possibly 38′? But I have to tell you..I don’t like CN’s new scheme more and more. That white snow job on the roof, the website address..and of course the lackadaisical CN 100 scheme. But the GMD1′s more than make up the difference.

  3. Thanks for the comments and stars.
    I came down to Hamilton Yard in pursuit of CN 421, but this set of engines was a much better catch, there was just enough time before 421 arrived – some of 421′s carloads visible in the background above 1437′s cab roof.
    Later on a crew came out to ready this set of engines for work; when revved up 1412 made quite a lot of grey smoke.
    White cab roofs being cooler are beneficial to the electronics installed in, on, or above them & could help inside the cab too.
    Looking forward to the next sunny day with regular CN activity (written 20 Now 2019).

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