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And while Railfans across Canada enjoy the sights of, or plan for the visit of CPR's 150th Train, I present another interesting day when a deadhead move of the Business Train ran through Ontario in 2006. Planned to be a sunny day, it was foggy when we arrived and the fog slowly burned off just in time. A pair of GP38's and the trailer a GP38AC make this a rather interesting and rare consist that about a dozen of us captured on this fine morning. The OSR shop area is in full view and you can see the crew pulling power out of the shops just as CP went by.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Stephen C. Host all rights reserved.

Caption: With CPR's 150th Train cruising across Canada at the moment, I present another interesting day when a deadhead move of the Business Train ran through Ontario in 2006. Planned to be a sunny day, it was foggy when we arrived and the fog slowly burned off just in time. A pair of GP38's and the trailer a GP38AC make this a rather interesting and rare consist that about a dozen of us captured on this fine morning. The OSR shop area is in full view and you can see the crew pulling power out of the shops just as CP went by.

Stephen C. Host [1544] (more) (contact)
Date: 11/23/2006 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 3084, 3015 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 40B (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Guelph Junction (search)
City/Town: Campbellville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=30289
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Photo ID: 29120

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  1. I was here for this too :)

  2. Saw this at Galt station. Foggy there too.

  3. Nice Arnold. We had a good crowd (including some OSR folks), and even CP’s finest showed up in his cruiser.

    I bet your shot @ Galt is unique – which is what I prefer these days, a location no one else will shoot.

    But I was lucky – due to my inexperience I chased them east to Trafalgar – I’d never attempt that now – it’s 99.9% to result in failure on an Eastbound – and for some reason I managed to get it. I suspect they stopped on the hill for something, and as a result I got my ‘unique’ shot.


    Two for the price of one.

  4. CP cruiser was at Galt as well. Unless it was a different one. I’d like to know how he could make it to the Jct in time otherwise.

  5. The Cruiser @ the Junction Was identified as “CP 2-30″ on the roof and sides. :) Arrived at 0852 and train arrived at 0919.

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