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I'm probably one of the very few that misses the 'once upon a time' CN 6508 in these old ratty colours. Don't know why, I just do. The new Cream Scheme just doesn't grab me. Maybe it is because combined with the trailing former M-420 (x_BC Rail)it makes such an attractive image as it heads back to Salford from Woodstock on a typical days' run. Checking out the OSR is always a good time. You just never know what might pass by.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: I'm probably one of the very few that misses the 'once upon a time' CN 6508 in these old ratty colours. Don't know why, I just do. The new Cream Scheme just doesn't grab me. Maybe it is because combined with the trailing former M-420 (x_BC Rail)it makes such an attractive image as it heads back to Salford from Woodstock on a typical days' run. Checking out the OSR is always a good time. You just never know what might pass by.

A.W.Mooney [2213] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/15/2013 (search)
Railway: Ontario Southland (search)
Reporting Marks: OSR 6508 (search)
Train Symbol: unknown (search)
Subdivision/SNS: OSR St. Thomas Sub (search)
City/Town: Beachville (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=28404
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Photo ID: 27241

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  1. I hear you Arnold. The solid blocks of colour found on other roads is . . . Where as this nice assortment is very appealing. Imagine this scene, another month or more forward from the date you took this. The fall leaves and locos would be quite spectacular.

  2. I’m with you Mr. Mooney. Too much cream, not enough maroon.

  3. I used to see the M-420 down in Clarkson Yard when OSR had the Suncor contract. Funny the ‘F’ designation on the front of the unit. Was it to clear up any confusion?

  4. The “F” designation you see clarifies that it’s the “front” of the locomotive, relative to the direction of where the control stand is facing.

  5. Nice Arnold. Even recent memories look like history don’t they.

    I like 6508 in its current incarnation – sorry boyos. :) To each their own though. I find Railfans to be brutally honest though and I appreciate that.

  6. And then there’s Steve… :)

  7. A great find Mr. Mooney – you know how I feel about the ‘green & gold’! Imagine her when new and freshly painted!

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