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Steam Doubleheader! CPR G1-class Pacific 2232 assists H1b-class standard Hudson 2815 as they pass by West Toronto Station in a cloud of smoke, about to cross over the diamond(s) at West Toronto junction and head north on the Mactier Sub. Note the West Toronto interlocking tower, demolished sometime in the mid-late 60's when the interlocking plant was modernized. The train is about to take the connecting track leading from the east track of the Galt Sub, across the double main tracks of the North Toronto Sub, and onto to the MacTier Sub (the ex-Toronto Grey and Bruce line) just to the north. Often used by The Canadian in later years, it's since been removed. West Toronto Station was demolished by the CPR in 1982, despite efforts by groups and the city to save it.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bill Thomson all rights reserved.

Caption: Steam Doubleheader! CPR G1-class Pacific 2232 assists H1b-class standard Hudson 2815 as they pass by West Toronto Station in a cloud of smoke, about to cross over the diamond(s) at West Toronto junction and head north on the Mactier Sub. Note the West Toronto interlocking tower, demolished sometime in the mid-late 60's when the interlocking plant was modernized. The train is about to take the connecting track leading from the east track of the Galt Sub, across the double main tracks of the North Toronto Sub, and onto to the MacTier Sub (the ex-Toronto Grey and Bruce line) just to the north. Often used by The Canadian in later years, it's since been removed. West Toronto Station was demolished by the CPR in 1982, despite efforts by groups and the city to save it.

Bill Thomson [715] (more) (contact)
Date: 00/00/1958 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 2232, CP 2815 (search)
Train Symbol: N/A (search)
Subdivision/SNS: West Toronto Station - CP Galt Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=14058
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Photo ID: 13038

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  1. The way God meant trains to appear.

  2. Great picture Bill, and interesting that this freight train backed down the Galt Sub from Lambton Yard to access the MacTier Sub using the connecting track crossing over CP North Toronto Sub and CNR Brampton Sub instead of backing out on the North Toronto Sub. When backing out, this train even used the “in bound” track for Parkdale , and now the two engines are getting underway over the crossover to the wb track and then on to the “S” shaped connection to the MacTier Sub. CPR’s West Toronto Station was one of my favourite teenage Saturday hangouts, and this brings back many fine memories. Thanks so much for sharing.

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