Caption: [Editors note: Despite quality issues - content has been deemed appopriate] CP 5914 and 5911 are but 5 months old as witnessed in this May 13, 1979 view of the TH&B "Starlite" rolling Hamilton-bound thru the junction at Bayview. Other locomotives are CP 8751, TH&B 56 and a CP 81xx trailing. One has to express curiosity as to why railfans would wear almost white !!! clothes when out amongst the grease and the grime of the railway landscapes........and indeed why they are chancing the location that they are. Times and styles have changed. Railfans used to have the run of many locations without interference from authority. All this has a thing of the past, but many fans have not changed along with it. (How many have ever been hurt or killed while railfanning, would be an interesting statistic)Incidentally, the rusted track on the left is from the days when steam engines waited to assist westbound trains up the Dundas grade, a hold-over only because in the 1970s MoW equipment used this stub. The track has long since been removed.
Nice shot!
Fascinating that in January, 2013, the 5911 still wears that paint scheme… possibly the original coat! Remember when CP was interesting?
I had been talking about that 5911 and the 5863 having the original multi-marks and yet when I posted this photo, the thought never entered my mind that the second unit was one of only two in that scheme now. Thanks for the reminder.