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Scrap on Scrap  
Ten years ago next month I was at Gerdau Ameristeel (Mandak Metals) in Selkirk, MB inspecting their locomotive crane fleet and came across two interesting pieces of equipment at the same time. 
D&H 16156 an 8-axle heavy duty flatcar, and its load, CP 420932 Scale Test Car were on one of the scrap lines waiting their turn to be cut up. 
On either end of this find was a pair of American locomotive cranes also sitting out their final days.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Paul O'Shell all rights reserved.

Caption: Scrap on Scrap
Ten years ago next month I was at Gerdau Ameristeel (Mandak Metals) in Selkirk, MB inspecting their locomotive crane fleet and came across two interesting pieces of equipment at the same time.
D&H 16156 an 8-axle heavy duty flatcar, and its load, CP 420932 Scale Test Car were on one of the scrap lines waiting their turn to be cut up.
On either end of this find was a pair of American locomotive cranes also sitting out their final days.

Paul O'Shell [451] (more) (contact)
Date: 04/08/2015 (search)
Railway: Delaware and Hudson (search)
Reporting Marks: D&H 16156, CP 420932 (search)
Train Symbol: na (search)
Subdivision/SNS: na (search)
City/Town: Selkirk (search)
Province: Manitoba (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=56329
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One Comment
  1. Interesting, CP had a sister car, D&H 16157 (blt 5-61), stored on a siding in Skiff AB with other old equipment for possible donation years ago, but it might not have been spoken for when CP went to clean house.

    I think that specific scale test car was one of the ex-Milwaukee Road ones CP acquired.

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