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A mixed-bag of equipment sits at CN's Spadina Coachyard west of the roundhouse shop area in February 1974: in the center is a pair of GO Transit GP40-2W's (9809 on the closest end) bracketing a set of Ontario Northland Polar Bear Express passenger cars and a CN steam generator (possibly equipment leased by GO during the winter months?). Some of CN's MLW S13 units that switched the coachyards are in attendance shuffling black and white passenger equipment around, including CN 8514.

Railway Express Agency and Merchants Dispatch (MDT) yellow ice reefer cars are mixed in with CN passenger equipment. Tempo cars are visible on the left, and a Turbo Train set is also in attendance. Beyond the old steam-era coaling tower, the Spadina Avenue bridge can be seen, base of the CN Tower (then still under contruction), CN Spadina roundhouse, City of Toronto water filtration plant buildings, some harbourfront grain elevators, the Toronto Star office tower at 1 Yonge Street, and the TTR Central Heating Plant.

Walls of condos have since replaced much of the railway scene here.
Tom Gascoigne photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Tom Gascoigne photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll. all rights reserved.

Caption: A mixed-bag of equipment sits at CN's Spadina Coachyard west of the roundhouse shop area in February 1974: in the center is a pair of GO Transit GP40-2W's (9809 on the closest end) bracketing a set of Ontario Northland Polar Bear Express passenger cars and a CN steam generator (possibly equipment leased by GO during the winter months?). Some of CN's MLW S13 units that switched the coachyards are in attendance shuffling black and white passenger equipment around, including CN 8514.

Railway Express Agency and Merchants Dispatch (MDT) yellow ice reefer cars are mixed in with CN passenger equipment. Tempo cars are visible on the left, and a Turbo Train set is also in attendance. Beyond the old steam-era coaling tower, the Spadina Avenue bridge can be seen, base of the CN Tower (then still under contruction), CN Spadina roundhouse, City of Toronto water filtration plant buildings, some harbourfront grain elevators, the Toronto Star office tower at 1 Yonge Street, and the TTR Central Heating Plant.

Walls of condos have since replaced much of the railway scene here. Tom Gascoigne photo, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.

Tom Gascoigne photo, Dan Dell'Unto coll. [1023] (more) (contact)
Date: 02/11/1974 (search)
Railway: GO Transit (search)
Reporting Marks: GO 9809, CN 8514 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CN Spadina Coachyard (search)
City/Town: Toronto (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=56249
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  1. Lots to look at !

  2. I wonder what special that GO unit is hooked up to?

  3. Dave, doing a bit more digging (I couldn’t find anything in old UCRS newsletters) it seems GO did have some ONR coaches on lease in 1972 for rush-hour use, complete with GO logos added to the sides:


  4. Thanks. Fascinating.

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