Caption: A gaggle of second-generation EMD road power congregates on the yard tracks at Chesapeake & Ohio's St. Thomas shops, including plenty of GP30's, GP35's, and GP40-2's in earlier C&O blue & yellow bookend paint and later Chessie System "circus" colours. Readable units are C&O 4168, 3539, 3560 and 4176, and cabooses 3663, 3664?, 3529, 3507 and 3528 are parked among them. The roundhouse and turntable are out of view to the right. Scenes like this at St. Thomas would vanish in the next decade, as C&O's facilities here would be abandoned in the mid-80's and demolished (the roundhouse bays and turntable pit on the former property are still visible in aerial imagery today).
Original photographer unknown, Dan Dell'Unto collection slide.
AH! the good ole days!
Amazing how busy this place was… only to be eliminated completely.
I’m curious for those who know, since this was tone of only two? ways for CSX to get to Buffalo (the other being the former B&O which they sold to BPRR) how much traffic on the line in this era would have been through freight in terms of percentage ( Detroit to Buffalo)
In the latter years 320/321 was down to a tiny small train and minimal traffic.. surprisingly….
I recall a full time crew at the yard over the big bridge and I could see 5-6 trains plus Amtrak in the late 70′s