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At one time, the CN Galt Industrial Spur in Cambridge was a thriving section of track that saw daily service during the week by a local job based out of Kitchener. Branching-off the Fergus Spur near Highway 401, the spur was the regular destination for CN 580 during the 1990’s. Two customers, McPherson and Inglis were situated at the end of the spur where it crossed Franklin Boulevard and provided the bulk of the traffic for the CN local. However, in November 1994, Inglis had announced that appliance production at the factory would be phased out by the second quarter of 1995. 

Here in December 1994, CN 580 with GP9RM 4134 patiently waits as Inglis workers completed loading boxcars with new locally manufactured appliances for Canadian markets. At some point in 1995, the facility loaded its last boxcars and closed, leaving one less customer on the spur. Interestingly, both tracks still remain in place today, although disconnected, and the large building is used for office space as well as by children’s clothier Carter's Oshkosh.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Jason Noe all rights reserved.

Caption: At one time, the CN Galt Industrial Spur in Cambridge was a thriving section of track that saw daily service during the week by a local job based out of Kitchener. Branching-off the Fergus Spur near Highway 401, the spur was the regular destination for CN 580 during the 1990’s. Two customers, McPherson and Inglis were situated at the end of the spur where it crossed Franklin Boulevard and provided the bulk of the traffic for the CN local. However, in November 1994, Inglis had announced that appliance production at the factory would be phased out by the second quarter of 1995.
Here in December 1994, CN 580 with GP9RM 4134 patiently waits as Inglis workers completed loading boxcars with new locally manufactured appliances for Canadian markets. At some point in 1995, the facility loaded its last boxcars and closed, leaving one less customer on the spur. Interestingly, both tracks still remain in place today, although disconnected, and the large building is used for office space as well as by children’s clothier Carter's Oshkosh.

Jason Noe [1022] (more) (contact)
Date: December 21, 1994 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4134 (search)
Train Symbol: CN 580 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Galt Industrial Spur (search)
City/Town: Cambridge (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=56171
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