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CPR 6515 works west along the Galt sub with a Lambton - Guelph Junction wayfreight, having just crossed Winston Churchill Blvd in Lisgar.

Scan and editing by Jacob Patterson.
Copyright Notice: This image ©John Freyseng all rights reserved.

Caption: CPR 6515 works west along the Galt sub with a Lambton - Guelph Junction wayfreight, having just crossed Winston Churchill Blvd in Lisgar.

Scan and editing by Jacob Patterson.

John Freyseng [166] (more) (contact)
Date: 01/27/1967 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CPR 6515 (search)
Train Symbol: Extra 6515 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Galt Sub (search)
City/Town: Lisgar (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=56097
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  1. Lisgar is all too familiar to me, but in the current day. Crazy how drastically the area has changed!

  2. That job was refereed to as the “Stone Train”. It was actually a London job, but ran out of Lambton. It was actually a roadswitcher, which was limited to a 30 mile radius from Lambton. In this shot, there was still ABS signals & a current of traffic. This train is on the westward track.
    Regarding Winston Churchill, I was on a westbound about 4 in the morning, back in the days of cabooses, and as we rounded the bend at Winston Churchill, it was evident that a car had run into the side of our train. It was sitting on the eastbound track all smashed up. We stopped & when the brakeman & I walked back, there was no driver just one shoe on the ground & a pair of sunglasses. I figured he was ejected. The area was all cornfields then. When the Police showed up, the officer told me to search in the corn for a possible victim. I told him I searched CP property & he could do the rest. It turns out that the driver walked away & found his way home, despite his inebriated state.
    Thanks for more memories John.

  3. A most excellent image.

  4. I grew up nearby as a kid. Lived in Meadowvale for 3 years…

    Dukes of hazzard was one my favorite shows… and the Winston Churchill curve was elevated/angled at the road crossing….

    so… when we crossed it I would always ask my dad to go faster.. and as we went over it “yeee haw”. I’m sure my dad got air a few times…..

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