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Hamilton - Owen Sound train 173 pulls into Palmerston behind brand new GMD SW1200RS 1317, built in August 1958.  People on the platform take in the sight of the new locomotive, diesels only appearing in Palmerston during the previous two years, and primarily MLW RSC13s.  Eight cold steam locomotives sit in the distance beyond the passenger equipment, while other RSC13s are seen around the yard.  

Above the RPO car, CNR 1732 stands on the Newton Sub, possibly the power for mixed train M331 to Kincardine, whose coach is spotted out of frame on the stub track at right.  Sitting just slightly in the frame ahead of 1317 is the tail end of mixed train M329 for Southampton, behind CNR 1722.  After 173's 1120h departure, both M331 and M329 will depart at 1135h.  The mixed trains will arrive back at Palmerston at 1525h and 1530h respectively, giving passengers half an hour until the 1600h arrival of 174 for Hamilton.

Original Photographer Unknown, Jacob Patterson Collection Negative.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Unknown Photographer; Jacob Patterson Collection all rights reserved.

Caption: Hamilton - Owen Sound train 173 pulls into Palmerston behind brand new GMD SW1200RS 1317, built in August 1958. People on the platform take in the sight of the new locomotive, diesels only appearing in Palmerston during the previous two years, and primarily MLW RSC13s. Eight cold steam locomotives sit in the distance beyond the passenger equipment, while other RSC13s are seen around the yard.

Above the RPO car, CNR 1732 stands on the Newton Sub, possibly the power for mixed train M331 to Kincardine, whose coach is spotted out of frame on the stub track at right. Sitting just slightly in the frame ahead of 1317 is the tail end of mixed train M329 for Southampton, behind CNR 1722. After 173's 1120h departure, both M331 and M329 will depart at 1135h. The mixed trains will arrive back at Palmerston at 1525h and 1530h respectively, giving passengers half an hour until the 1600h arrival of 174 for Hamilton.

Original Photographer Unknown, Jacob Patterson Collection Negative.

Unknown Photographer; Jacob Patterson Collection [580] (more) (contact)
Date: Late summer 1958 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CNR 1317 (search)
Train Symbol: 173 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Fergus Sub (search)
City/Town: Palmerston (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=56057
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Photo ID: 54735

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  1. Thanks for posting. Any photo of Palmerston during any of it’s heyday of being a branchline divisional point…holds a special place as I was born there.

  2. I have a shot of this train from the platform to post as well. Will get to that shortly :)

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