Caption: PSTR Santa Treats Train (1st ride of 3 this day) is returning to Port Stanley from Whyte’s Park. The train consisting of three cars 66, 62 and 63 plus the Little Red Caboose 602, filled with excited children and parents, is alongside Union Depot (previously the North Pole). Port Stanley Terminal Rail’s L1 Stanley (although perhaps not visible) is pushing its Christmas train downgrade through the Kettle Creek Valley on the historic tracks of Port Stanley and London Railway. Santa Claus hopped on and off the train, this year, when passing through the storage yard located a short distance from the PSTR station. The timely skim of snow overnight adds to the scene and festive occasion.
This photo may qualify for the Time Machine in conjunction with a photo by Greg Roach ID: 21596 taken at Union (49 years previous) on a UCRS Excursion from Toronto to Port Stanley.