Christmas season creates interesting consists...
The Engineman is awaiting the light controlled by the TTR Scott Street Leverman,
with an all CN lash up, likely off a Windsor VIA train, (unlikely a 9500 series would lead on the Kingston Sub).,
Given three units plus a steam generator, the conventional consist had to be 13 plus cars....
GMD 1974 built GP40-2L(W), CN #9425, geared for 65 mph
MLW 1960 built RS-18m (modified circa 1967 for Tempo service) CN #3153, geared for 80 mph
MLW 1959 built RS-18, CN #3113, geared for 80 mph
At TTR Jarvis Street, December 28, 1980 Kodachrome by S.Danko
This is unreal. If 9425 was geard for 65, does that mean they were delayed getting into Toronto? perhaps a rescue engine?