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Hard to believe these BBD LRC-2 locomotives last saw service on the railroads back in 2001. Only 20 years (1981) from when they first appeared and now they are gone. And have already been gone over 20 years.   Speaks volumes, I'd guess, about their (lack of) reliability. I enjoyed seeing them, since they were replacing Tempo trains thru Bayview, and any of us out trackside in those days had seen enough of the Tempos.
VIA was the only outfit to order these LRCs; totaling 31 engines (6900-6930) and they also 100 coaches, many of which are still seen along the lines. Two locomotives, 6917 and 6921 survive; the rest have been scrapped.
This image is of which I believe #70 (lost my notes) judging by the sun angle, rolling eastward under the "Railfans Walk bridge" at the Botanical Gardens just east of Bayview Junction. Beautiful day and not a soul on the bridge.
Copyright Notice: This image ©A.W.Mooney all rights reserved.

Caption: Hard to believe these BBD LRC-2 locomotives last saw service on the railroads back in 2001. Only 20 years (1981) from when they first appeared and now they are gone. And have already been gone over 20 years. Speaks volumes, I'd guess, about their (lack of) reliability. I enjoyed seeing them, since they were replacing Tempo trains thru Bayview, and any of us out trackside in those days had seen enough of the Tempos. VIA was the only outfit to order these LRCs; totaling 31 engines (6900-6930) and they also 100 coaches, many of which are still seen along the lines. Two locomotives, 6917 and 6921 survive; the rest have been scrapped. This image is of which I believe #70 (lost my notes) judging by the sun angle, rolling eastward under the "Railfans Walk bridge" at the Botanical Gardens just east of Bayview Junction. Beautiful day and not a soul on the bridge.

A.W.Mooney [2213] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/25/1991 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 6902 (search)
Train Symbol: #70 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CN Oakville Sub. (search)
City/Town: Bayview Junction (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=55591
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One Comment
  1. Always odd looking…
    And just weird seeing 6900′s pulling conventional equipment…gotta wonder if those circa 2023 Euro Venture 2200 series will last as long as the circa 1981 LRC 6900′s !
    …give it a couple of years and I’ll bet those F40PH-3′s will be employed to pull those Venture coaches !

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