Seventies Rail Fanning: The big attraction was the variety of power.....
And mixing six axle seventies super power with four axle first generation,
and there is a good reason for this type of lashup: some set offs restrictions required four axle only power
and on the head end, as required by law: a 'working' livestock rolling stock...
White Markers & White Flags for CP Rail Extra West 4564 near Guelph Junction, September 16, 1978 Kodachrome by S.Danko.
More seventies super power
big M units
The only place 4 axle unit was required was at Ayr. It’s possible that was the reason for this lashup, but it could also be tonnage. One big unit was rated at 2550 tons. to Guelph Jct,a four axle was about 1700 tons. There’s a good chance the trains was heavier than 2550 tons.