Caption: Not something I was expecting to see the other day whilst rolling the dice with CN was the daily Brampton-turn L559 heading back to Mac Yard with a rare quartet of majority GP9s crossing the Humber River. I had actually been waiting for 4125-9555 on L529 coming back from the Highbury spur so the zebra stripes on the leader instinctively looked like exactly what I was looking for, until confusion hit my face seeing 2 more GP9s emerge from the descent from Martin Grove. Ultimately, 4130-9449-7270-7032 made up the consist, the pair of back-to-back duos implied that the second half was lifted from Brampton IMS as they are fitted for the standard use of RCL by BIT yard.
The debate I'm having with myself right now which I'll open up to the floor is whether or not the crew aboard 7032 is evidence to the contrary and this quartet originated in Mac or if they took a lunch right after lifting the power. Also worth noting the exhaust coming out of the two GP9s, but I don't think that's quite as compelling as 559 could've needed the extra help and borrowed power from BIT.