Caption: With an unusually large daily Toronto to Cochrane "Northlander" with 2 ex-CN cars, 5 ex-GO single levels and an APU tacked on the rear, ONT GP38-2's 1801 and 1806 pull equipment move #697 from Mimico to Union Station, passing GO 553 off Milton Line run #152 at Bathurst St (8:03am). Upon discontinuation by the Ontario Liberal government at the end of September 2012, this train and the vital link it serves as a connection between small communities along the line in Northern Ontario is now history.
Thanks for sharing this gem! I had heard of the ex-CN/VIA Dayniters venturing south of Cochrane, but had never seen a photo.
It looks like all right-wing governments succeed in destroying more intercity passenger train services. Canada should look to Europe an Asia to learn that passenger trains are the future.