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Another good one, John. Love the clean right of ways back in the day.
Amazing. This is the since relocated Killean siding. And the station was behind you John?
Curious when the last semaphores were removed from the Galt?
Wow. That’s just stunning.
This may have been the “London Pickup”, an unassigned pool train out of Toronto, or perhaps the Aberdeen Turn, also an unassigned pool job at that time. The photograph taken of this train at Guelph Jct shows it working on the north side, something both of the foregoing might do. On the Aberdeen turn, the TH&B gave us the train & we had to switch the shorts to the head end somewhere after leaving Hamilton, usually Guelph Jct & sometimes on the north side. As for “old Killean”, the last remaining remnant of the station was the pump from the water well which was (along with the station) just behind the photographer.
And John, in my excitement to see these old pics that you post, I sometimes forget to tell how much I enjoy them, thanks.
Thank you all for very nice and informative comments. It is a great pleasure for me to know some of you are enjoying seeing these pictures taken – hard to believe that this was 60 years ago. As always, I am very indebted to Jacob Patterson for selecting, cleaning, editing, scanning and posting these slides, otherwise we would not be enjoying them together, John