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On the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the first locomotive ever to lead in Ontario with the new CPKC Livery number KCS 4805 the second unit to have been repainted with such paint scheme, leads a CPKC 113 as they head through SSS Palgrave on their way Northwards up the Mactier Sub after spending a while at VIT due to DPU issues. Note the KCS sublettering due to the CPKC roadname not being approved yet.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Jeremy Cordovado all rights reserved.

Caption: On the 80th anniversary of D-Day, the first locomotive ever to lead in Ontario with the new CPKC Livery number KCS 4805 the second unit to have been repainted with such paint scheme, leads a CPKC 113 as they head through SSS Palgrave on their way Northwards up the Mactier Sub after spending a while at VIT due to DPU issues. Note the KCS sublettering due to the CPKC roadname not being approved yet.

Jeremy Cordovado [13] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/06/2024 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific Kansas City (search)
Reporting Marks: KCS 4805 (search)
Train Symbol: CPKC 113-05 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Palgrave (search)
City/Town: Palgrave (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=54564
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Photo ID: 53245

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One Comment
  1. Is the sublettering because they are waiting for approval or to distinguish the unit as KCS 4805 vs CP 4805. I know at CN we had to use the sublettering to identify ourselves, especially to the RTC or Rule 42 foreman. For instance there is a IC 9626 (GP38-2) and a CN 9626 (GP40-2LW ). Even though both are CN units, the crew operating IC 9626 would have to call themselves IC 9626 and not CN 9626

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