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The noodle scheme on a GP9 in the mid-eighties was a tough catch on the Coronado. Plenty of GP38's went by with this paint job, I only saw and photographed 2 GP9's. In May of 1985 the 4368 passed through town and then this photo of the 4283 from 1986. On this day, the 4283 and 4343 were making good speed hauling 25+ grain loads as the train came around the corner at mile 24 that leads to Coronado. It looks like a few wind drifts of snow were driven through on the way home. Cab 79836 on the end, photo time was 11:30.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Extra 5610 west all rights reserved.

Caption: The noodle scheme on a GP9 in the mid-eighties was a tough catch on the Coronado. Plenty of GP38's went by with this paint job, I only saw and photographed 2 GP9's. In May of 1985 the 4368 passed through town and then this photo of the 4283 from 1986. On this day, the 4283 and 4343 were making good speed hauling 25+ grain loads as the train came around the corner at mile 24 that leads to Coronado. It looks like a few wind drifts of snow were driven through on the way home. Cab 79836 on the end, photo time was 11:30.

Extra 5610 west [317] (more) (contact)
Date: 02/13/1986 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 4283 (search)
Train Symbol: Extra 4283 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Coronado Sub. (search)
City/Town: Redwater (search)
Province: Alberta (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=54466
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Photo ID: 53147

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  1. This is the only CN GP9 I have seen with the noodle on the front while the unit is in the black cab paint scheme. It appears to be freshly applied. One of a kind I believe!!!

  2. Very nice. The white trim around the walkway looks sharp too.

  3. That is an interesting fact. :-)
    I checked those photos and I did take a going away picture and the short hood has no noodle on it. Just the long hood end has one. Being only on the front, I’m guessing it was involved in a minor mishap which was repaired and repainted. Good eye catching that unique detail.

  4. That & the Flexicoil trucks make the unit quite interesting.

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