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Great photo David.
Awesome shot. 7058 is currently in Hamilton (or was as of around 12/21/23). The 567B/C blocks were removed during rebuild and replaced with 645 blocks. Or so I have always been told.
They retained the same block, they were modified to 645 by way of power assembly changes. The serial number of the 567 block remains the same but they changed it from 567 , scratched out the 567 and added a stamped 645 to denote the change.
I can confirm that CN 4100 was a C block and I would imagine all CN GP9′s would be C blocks as a result
This thread can go into more technical detail
B blocks are somewhat rare and should have been converted to a B-C block by way of modifications. The former IC SW14′s were B blocks, converted to C (B-C block conversion kit) and they remain problematic to this day.