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Very interesting First954, just proves there are travellers wishing to travel on the Canadian, even when (once again) it gets badly delayed by a non-caring CN Rail. For some travellers, the Canadian is the better way to travel, or in some cases, the only way. Even going from Toronto to Sudbury Jct, it sure beats driving up the 400 with all the crazy cottage goers, more scenic, more comfortable and certainly more relaxing. Nothing like sitting in a dome car looking at all the scenery. Thanks for sharing, John
That platform scene is great! I feel for those folks who were so close, yet so far away from their destination/pickup point at Sudbury. However, I have to admit, since retiring, being late, delayed, or otherwise inconvenienced hasn’t bothered me a bit.
On my last 8 trips on The Canadian since March of 2020 the train has arrived on-time or early at Vancouver and/or Toronto. More time on-board is just fine with me.
Thanks for the comments, guys! I asked the station agent, or whatever title he possesses (certainly not customer service), why the CN train was stopped. He only offered “it probably broke”, his words, not mine. No attempt was made to find out why or how long. Number 1 had to make a second stop for a couple boarding a sleeping car. The gentleman struggled with his suitcase and the attendant did not offer any assistance. The only good thing was no buffer car behind the Park car. A beautiful 20 car train on this date.
What I don’t understand is how the train can leave stations AHEAD of schedule. For example, this train left Rivers and Edson 17 minutes ahead of schedule.
Flag stops perhaps? Or whatever the current term is. I’ve taken 84 Guelph – Toronto a handful of times and certain stations, mainly Malton, we’d roll through around 10mph with the Dutch door open in case anyone was waiting… no one there… highball!