Caption: The crew of the afternoon Current River job pauses inside the gate of Viterra "C House" (still called "ugga" by crews referring to United Grain Growers A House) before gathering up tracks of grain empties with CP 1522-1640-1574. In the background the abandoned and decrepit Pool 4A and 4B complex, while behind that the yellow top of JRI's massive grain terminal can be seen. Due to the grades throughout the Current River yard, tonnage handled and 4-axle restrictions in places like UGGA (since lifted) and the Great West Timber Spur this job required a trio of Geeps. GP9u's were commonplace, later replaced with GP38-2's. Viterra would close this elevator for a number of years and CP would pull it's crew start out of Current River, consolidating crews to their depot in old Fort William off Syndicate Ave.
The elevator would remain shuttered until Glencore International took over Viterra in late 2012 resulting in James Richardsons & Sons purchasing this facility. As of 2023 the elevator is operated as overflow for the bigger Richardsons Terminal next door. It is now known on paper as the Current River Elevator however crews still refer to it as "ugga"- decades after United Grain Growers has ever been a thing.
Now we’re talking. I miss these GP9′s.
Fantastic! Miss those old veterans
Thanks for the elevator background info.