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Goderich-Exeter Railway’s newest unit, GP38-2 3523, is seen at the Kitchener, Ontario yard awaiting its delivery to GEXR. Reportedly it was ex-HLCX 1842, ex-UP 362, ex-UP 2103, ex-MP 2103 and nee-MP 952. According to sources it will be assigned to GEXR’s Guelph Junction Railway operations based out of Guelph Jct.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Jason Noe all rights reserved.

Caption: Goderich-Exeter Railway’s newest unit, GP38-2 3523, is seen at the Kitchener, Ontario yard awaiting its delivery to GEXR. Reportedly it was ex-HLCX 1842, ex-UP 362, ex-UP 2103, ex-MP 2103 and nee-MP 952. According to sources it will be assigned to GEXR’s Guelph Junction Railway operations based out of Guelph Jct.

Jason Noe [1022] (more) (contact)
Date: 12/24/2022 (search)
Railway: Goderich-Exeter (search)
Reporting Marks: GEXR 3523 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Guelph Subdivision (search)
City/Town: Kitchener (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50677
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Photo ID: 49386

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  1. 3523 was taken west to Stratford yesterday.

  2. Most likely going for a PDI first before delivery to the GJR

  3. Indeed. Just saying for folks expecting it to go east it did not.

  4. What is a locomotive PDI?

  5. Pre Delivery Inspection. This is a new locomotive to GEXR fresh out of shops so mechanical would have to give it a go over before it can be run. It may have been shipped without fluids to prevent freezing since locomotives use only water mostly. The fuel system may need priming as well.

  6. Nice paint job, sure looks clean & shiny ! Nice Christmas present

  7. Thanks for all the comments and homerjay84 for the information.

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