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On warm and sunny September afternoon a fresh pile of recently scrapped CN cars and cabooses rests near the Highway #7 overpass at MacMillan Yard. What appears to be pieces of former CN transfer caboose CN 76502 is amongst the scrap pile at CN’s S Yard. 

The "S" yard. Located on the other side of the Highway #7 Bridge over CN's MacMillan Yard, in Vaughn during the 90's this area was the location where CN had scrapped anything and everything they had retired or had taken out of active service. “S” was seen chalked on most of the equipment observed on these rusting tracks, which could range from CN cabooses, company MofW cars, vintage Buffalo grain boxcars, retro Car-go-rail boxcars or anything else CN had deemed to be scrapped. The amount of CN owned freight cars scrapped over the years here would no doubt be mind boggling if documented. And in fitting fashion most if not all of this yard is now gone today with hardly a trace remaining as if it never existed.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Carl Noe (Collection of Jason Noe) all rights reserved.

Caption: On warm and sunny September afternoon a fresh pile of recently scrapped CN cars and cabooses rests near the Highway #7 overpass at MacMillan Yard. What appears to be pieces of former CN transfer caboose CN 76502 is amongst the scrap pile at CN’s S Yard.
The "S" yard. Located on the other side of the Highway #7 Bridge over CN's MacMillan Yard, in Vaughn during the 90's this area was the location where CN had scrapped anything and everything they had retired or had taken out of active service. “S” was seen chalked on most of the equipment observed on these rusting tracks, which could range from CN cabooses, company MofW cars, vintage Buffalo grain boxcars, retro Car-go-rail boxcars or anything else CN had deemed to be scrapped. The amount of CN owned freight cars scrapped over the years here would no doubt be mind boggling if documented. And in fitting fashion most if not all of this yard is now gone today with hardly a trace remaining as if it never existed.

Carl Noe (Collection of Jason Noe) [1005] (more) (contact)
Date: September 9, 1995 (search)
Railway: Canadian National (search)
Reporting Marks: CN 76502 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: CN MacMillan Yard (search)
City/Town: Vaughan (Toronto) (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=50462
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  1. Isn’t MacMillan Yard still in operation?

  2. I remember that area. Bruce

  3. I wonder if any of the caboose whistles are in that pile. Always wanted a caboose whistle.

  4. dhaisell, I think it’s the part of the yard used for scrapping that’s all gone and cleaned up. The rest of the yard remains.

  5. Yes, Dan is correct, the S Yard is now all gone.

  6. In recent years, the scrapping of retired/wrecked rolling stock at Mac Yard has occurred behind Green Tower (West Control) in an area in front of the old car shop complex. I have a few photos from a visit to the shops in 2015 showing before & after scenes that I will try to make acceptable for posting.

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