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Having just made its 6:14pm stop at Downtown Brampton GO/VIA station and now slowly pulling out of the downtown station crossing Mill st, VIA 87 continues its evening run to Sarnia from Union station with P42 #910 as the leader tonight. They are passing by the “coming soon to Downtown” 45 Railroad st Apartments/Condos which are currently being built directly across from the station (as seen in this photo) and by the time this projects all finished we will have 2 ‘twin-like’ looking towers rising 25 & 27 stories in the air out from the original very old beige-coloured Downtown Building at 45 Railroad which was at one point home to ‘The Little Train Shoppe’ which sadly ended up having to permanently close down in the late 2000s as that’s when the building was sold to the developer who is currently working on the apartments now.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Vintage2000 all rights reserved.

Caption: Having just made its 6:14pm stop at Downtown Brampton GO/VIA station and now slowly pulling out of the downtown station crossing Mill st, VIA 87 continues its evening run to Sarnia from Union station with P42 #910 as the leader tonight. They are passing by the “coming soon to Downtown” 45 Railroad st Apartments/Condos which are currently being built directly across from the station (as seen in this photo) and by the time this projects all finished we will have 2 ‘twin-like’ looking towers rising 25 & 27 stories in the air out from the original very old beige-coloured Downtown Building at 45 Railroad which was at one point home to ‘The Little Train Shoppe’ which sadly ended up having to permanently close down in the late 2000s as that’s when the building was sold to the developer who is currently working on the apartments now.

Vintage2000 [115] (more) (contact)
Date: 08/05/2021 (search)
Railway: VIA Rail (search)
Reporting Marks: VIA 910 (search)
Train Symbol: VIA 87 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: Mill st, CN Halton Sub (search)
City/Town: Brampton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=46280
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One Comment
  1. Speaking of The Little Train Shoppe, I had heard the owner started it up because he wanted discounts on Walthers items, but over time lost interest in the store. It originally opened in the late 90′s in a basement unit in the back of the building off Mill Street, but moved to one of the front retail units later on. Dominion Skate was in the opposite retail space, and owned the building since 1981. The upper levels of the main office building were unused and still had an old factory-like appearance with wooden floors and ceilings, but cubicle walls were added to some of the floor space by some previous tenant. There wasn’t all that much interesting up there, but there was a giant full-sized walk-in safe embedded in one of the brick walls.

    As for the store’s selection, their HO inventory was so-so as were the prices, but they had a LOT of Thomas stuff, and other hobby stores (that didn’t carry Thomas) would often direct customers there.

    There were also a few of the local guys that hung out there on Friday nights, and would often make their way to the station after to watch trains at night.

    I was also told the owner of the Quixl Auto car dealership across the street owned a good chunk of the houses along Railroad Street, which he rented out, with future plans of selling them all for redevelopment. Looks like he might be finally cashing out, as there’s a submission for redevelopment of that whole block with two high-rise towers.

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