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The exact date I can't remember but I know it was on a Sunday. My friend Jack Lord & I had been discussing this trip for weeks so I picked him up and we drove all the way from New Westminster to downtown Vancouver so we could photograph what was left of the CP "Drake ST. Yards" There was no railway activity taking place but the place was crawling with people walking around and on bikes. There were lots of buildings to photograph along with a few MLW yard engines. At no time did I see any graffiti on anything. The attached photograph was taken near the ready tracks which was located just north of the roundhouse.  The brick building (oil house) was a leftover from the steam era and the two tanks (lube oil tank & waste oil tank) were a much latter addition. On the other side of the oil house sat MlW units 7094,7116,7117, & 7113 and behind me sat MLW 7076. All the locomotives on site were shut down.
Copyright Notice: This image ©J W Booth all rights reserved.

Caption: The exact date I can't remember but I know it was on a Sunday. My friend Jack Lord & I had been discussing this trip for weeks so I picked him up and we drove all the way from New Westminster to downtown Vancouver so we could photograph what was left of the CP "Drake ST. Yards" There was no railway activity taking place but the place was crawling with people walking around and on bikes. There were lots of buildings to photograph along with a few MLW yard engines. At no time did I see any graffiti on anything. The attached photograph was taken near the ready tracks which was located just north of the roundhouse. The brick building (oil house) was a leftover from the steam era and the two tanks (lube oil tank & waste oil tank) were a much latter addition. On the other side of the oil house sat MlW units 7094,7116,7117, & 7113 and behind me sat MLW 7076. All the locomotives on site were shut down.

J W Booth [115] (more) (contact)
Date: 09/00/1981 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: Not Provided
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: Not Provided
City/Town: Vancouver (search)
Province: British Columbia (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=46019
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