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Strange… this photo looks very familiar.
He had to fix it.
I thought for a moment it was what I shot there last night….06/15/2021.
Never get tired looking at pictures of the Canadian end of the International Railway Bridge, nice composure and angle. Question, who controls the power switch at this end of the bridge, the pot signals and movement across the bridge – is it CN RTC ? Thanks for posting, John
@railway guy. The next signal for trains headed into the US are controlled by the bridgetender at Harbour Draw on the US side. If there is no water traffic( summer time only) and the bridge is lined for rail traffic the trains will receive a signal up to the VASCS scanner but may not have a signal on to the Belt Line. That signal is controlled by CSX NG dispatcher. The employee who mans the bridge is Canadian at one time the bridgetender would walk across the bridge to work rather than put up with the car traffic on the border crossings. Not sure if they still do that.
@ railwayguy – you are correct, the switches, signals and movements across the bridge are controlled by the CN RTC.
@rsmith..my bad. I assumed that railwayguy was talking about the signal after departing the Fort
Thank you all for educating an “old guy” who has not been up to date, greatly appreciate the info on control of train movement on both ends of the bridge. Have seen the NY State end from Amtrak (pre-covid) on various trips to Buffalo Depew, Schenectady. Thank you ngineered4u about the Erie Canal bridge – didn’t know it can and does still operate. Much appreciated, John