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Strange it takes the Newmarket North. I thought Weston sub? I look forward to heading down the tracks from Osler to watch it. Thanks for the heads up.
Sorry I meant straight up the Bala sub from Union.
Hey Brad. In to good olds days when I started at CN they ran #1 up the Newmarket Sub (stopping at St Clair station) all the way to Caperol, Ont where the tracks met with the Bala Sub. After they removed that connection at Caperol they had to send #1 up the Newmarket to Snider to wye the train for its westward journey. The reason being that before all the urban sprawl of the downtown fore there used to be a “loop” track that wound its way around the CPR John St roundhouse that made it possible to “turn” the entire train at one time. After Spadina coach yard was closed and Mimico maintenance facility was opened there was no way to turn a train of 20 cars anymore. The wye at Mimico only holds 4 cars and a locomotive. The trainset is only broken up when the cars need more then light servicing. So when the train is serviced at the MMF its shoved Park car first (east end) toward Union Station to head up the Newmarket Sub and to wye at Snider and move across the York Sub to the Bala.
Thanks for info @ngineered4u. But wouldn’t they pull out of Mimico Eastbound and head straight up the Bala Sub…that is if i’m reading correctly or maybe missing something.
No problem Brad. No they can’t pull out of Mimico and go up the Bala. As I stated before there is no way to turn the entire train when is arrives from Vancouver. #2 heads east from Vancouver with the power facing westward on arrival at Union Station. The train then heads to Mimico with the power still on the west end. There is no way to turn the entire train at Mimico, so its pulled Park car first towards Toronto after servicing and then goes up the Newmarket
Gotcha @ngineered4u. Thanks for clarifying!
All good Brad..glad I can help. Anytime
Once upon a time they wyed at Bayview for a few weeks….
I only got it once – didn’t get ‘em at Bayview proper which would have been awesome
Great shot Stephen. Glad you were able to get these Budds in non traditional trackage!