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Funny how 10 years previous, the provincial Conservative government tried to kill it and sell off the ONR. Politics. Funny stuff.
You’re so right. Our money and their ideas fly all over the place, but nothing ever comes of anything.
They have tried at least three times to kill the ONR. The killing of the Northlander was the last attempt and that’s all they managed to change at that time.
The main sticking point is the union agreements. Employees hired before mid 1996 were guaranteed 21 years of pay until pension age if they were let go, and 10 years for employees hired after (until around 2001) when the new employees have a standard contemporary employment agreement).
The financial and pension liabilities were huge and it killed the deal a few years ago.
Once these liabilities are gone, all it will take is the right government and the railway will be sold. Could be a while, could be less – government has to buy out the union first or wait for most under those agreements to retire.
Then CN will swoop in and say ‘mine’ – here’s some money. Bye!