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CN still has Oleo as a customer in the Falls
I’m glad there are still a few customers left. It’s sad to think of how many customers were once in the Niagara area, just near the yard alone there were several.
Yeah for sure. 562 goes up from Port Rob, goes around the wye in Clifton, and switches them out. Used about a dozen or so empty pellet hoppers for reachers when I saw it done. No shots to be had at Oleo itself so it’s not something I have pursued since.
This was (still is?) done weekly on Mondays, but I can’t speak to the predictability of this move since 531 was cancelled a while back, as things have been less predictable since. They quite often run an extra down there now as one of the local job from what I’ve been told but again I have no idea if patterns have held or not.