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Rolling on southward through the outskirts of Alliston in some pretty nice evening light, a CP CWR Train powered by Heritage Unit 7016, plus 2 sd40-2s trailing the Heritage being CP 6080 and 5871 rolls through some empty farmlands of Beeton approaching 13th Line Road and train is carefully slowing down because once they reach Spence Yard which is actually at the next crossing down from here (12th Line Road), RTC will first have them duck into the yard siding track to meet Northbound 119. After 119 passes they’ll receive permission to pull out on the main for headroom as behind the welded rails they actually had a long stash of autoracks for Spence Yard and once the autoracks have been spotted RTC will have them hold tight in the yard one last time to allow Southbound 112 to pass by ahead of them and once 112 passes, 7016 will finally receive clearance back onto the main and follow 112 the rest of the way to Toronto Yard, arriving there for just about 2200 that night. Timing here was exactly 1947.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Vintage2000 all rights reserved.

Caption: Rolling on southward through the outskirts of Alliston in some pretty nice evening light, a CP CWR Train powered by Heritage Unit 7016, plus 2 sd40-2s trailing the Heritage being CP 6080 and 5871 rolls through some empty farmlands of Beeton approaching 13th Line Road and train is carefully slowing down because once they reach Spence Yard which is actually at the next crossing down from here (12th Line Road), RTC will first have them duck into the yard siding track to meet Northbound 119. After 119 passes they’ll receive permission to pull out on the main for headroom as behind the welded rails they actually had a long stash of autoracks for Spence Yard and once the autoracks have been spotted RTC will have them hold tight in the yard one last time to allow Southbound 112 to pass by ahead of them and once 112 passes, 7016 will finally receive clearance back onto the main and follow 112 the rest of the way to Toronto Yard, arriving there for just about 2200 that night. Timing here was exactly 1947.

Vintage2000 [115] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/08/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 7016, CP 6080, CP 5871 (search)
Train Symbol: Not Provided
Subdivision/SNS: North of Spence Yard- CP Mactier Sub (search)
City/Town: Alliston (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=41759
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  1. Very nice Graydon!

  2. Great image, Graydon!

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