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Picking up a little bit of dust it seems (based off of the looks at the right side of the power as well as the boxcars looking somewhat fuzzy), a somewhat rare daytime appearance of CP mixed manifest freight train 420 South from Winnipeg (usually this train comes down the Mactier a couple hrs before sunrise) passes by the MAW’s Fuel Facility in the tiny town of Nashville, (approaching Nashville Road actually), on approach to the major city of Vaughn and just after this train passes through Vaughn; CP 420 will then join onto the North Toronto Sub and follow it the rest of the way to Toronto Yard after about 2 days on the rails I believe. Wonder how old the tall brick building to the right would be? Believe it’s part of the MAW’s Fuels company based off of Google Earth but if anyone knows a bit more about that structure I’ll be interested to hear!
Copyright Notice: This image ©Vintage2000 all rights reserved.

Caption: Picking up a little bit of dust it seems (based off of the looks at the right side of the power as well as the boxcars looking somewhat fuzzy), a somewhat rare daytime appearance of CP mixed manifest freight train 420 South from Winnipeg (usually this train comes down the Mactier a couple hrs before sunrise) passes by the MAW’s Fuel Facility in the tiny town of Nashville, (approaching Nashville Road actually), on approach to the major city of Vaughn and just after this train passes through Vaughn; CP 420 will then join onto the North Toronto Sub and follow it the rest of the way to Toronto Yard after about 2 days on the rails I believe. Wonder how old the tall brick building to the right would be? Believe it’s part of the MAW’s Fuels company based off of Google Earth but if anyone knows a bit more about that structure I’ll be interested to hear!

Vintage2000 [115] (more) (contact)
Date: 06/07/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 8873 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 420 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Mactier Sub (search)
City/Town: Nashville- North of Vaughn (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=41720
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Photo ID: 40511

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Cool shot, Graydon. That looks like an old disused feed mill. Some quick googling reveals it was a Shur Gain (they are in the feed business) at one point not too long ago – though it likely passed through multiple owners over its history.

  2. A most interesting scene, Graydon. Well worth shooting here again. GREAT prop. Thanks for posting this.

  3. Nice work Graydon.

  4. Nicely done young man.

  5. Thank you very much James for the info!! Appreciate it a lot and yes Arnold I’ll be sure to revisit this spot around late July to mid August when morning light on sunny days is just a bit nicer!
    Thank you Jason and Steve for the Complements!

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