Caption: CN's former station at Wanstead had a pretty good second life, after it was closed. It was moved just a short distance away from the busy Strathroy Subdivision, to the local Co-op operation. They repurposed it into one of their many office buildings. It still retained many of it's architectural design, although the windows were slightly altered. Here, on a late afternoon day around October 2004, I'm now thankful I photographed it. When I returned in early December of 2016, the building was gone. There did not appear to be any sign of removal, so I am hoping that it was yet moved again...somewhere, to serve as a private residence.
While not exactly on topic, this photo reminded me of when I was young back in the 1950s. My grandmother used to mention “the Wanstead wreck”. I don’t know much about it other than it occured on Boxing Day in 1902 and 38 people died.