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Now here’s something we definitely don’t see everyday as of the 2020s! A pair of CP sd40s as well as a sd30 being the third unit in today’s consist, leading a ballast train (which also had some mixed freight) down the Mactier Sub from Sudbury, destined to St Luc Quebec. Timing is 12:28 and train is approaching Castlederg side road (just north of Bolton) which has a small little creek-bed lying right next to the tracks on the north side. Powering the train was CP sd40s 6013 and 6045 and then CP sd30C-ECO 5012 for the third unit.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Vintage2000 all rights reserved.

Caption: Now here’s something we definitely don’t see everyday as of the 2020s! A pair of CP sd40s as well as a sd30 being the third unit in today’s consist, leading a ballast train (which also had some mixed freight) down the Mactier Sub from Sudbury, destined to St Luc Quebec. Timing is 12:28 and train is approaching Castlederg side road (just north of Bolton) which has a small little creek-bed lying right next to the tracks on the north side. Powering the train was CP sd40s 6013 and 6045 and then CP sd30C-ECO 5012 for the third unit.

Vintage2000 [115] (more) (contact)
Date: 05/01/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 6013, 6045, 5012 (search)
Train Symbol: CP BAL-01 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Mactier Sub (search)
City/Town: Palgrave Forest- North of Bolton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=41241
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Photo ID: 40034

Map courtesy of Open Street Map

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  1. Nice framing, Grayson. Like the low POV you’ve chosen.

  2. Thank you very much Earl! This honestly was the first photo I ever tried with regards to composing the water with the train to see if I could potentially get a little reflection. Think I did not too bad for my first try.

  3. Nice composition Graydon. You did well with this one. A great train to do it with too.

  4. Thank you Mr Host! And was only shooting for me in case you were wondering as well. Once I’ve seen how my photo came out of this rather rare train, thought it was something worth submitting.
    I’ve taken multiple warm up shots at several different locations along this Sub which I plan to tuck away for myself as keepers but once I get my best work around late may-early June hopefully when ground looks pretty and grass isn’t all that high yet, I’ll definitely try for my best work, and if I don’t get it this year, there always next year!

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