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After having just met both southbound trains 112 and 118 in Bolton, a ‘rather later than usual’ CP 113 is back on the move and barrels FAST through some empty farmlands in the eastern side of Caledon as ac4400cw 8145 leads todays Intermodal Northbound up the Mactier Sub up until they reach the northern half of Ontario near Cartier and from there 113 will switch on to the Cartier Sub and follow it ALL THE WAY across Canada westbound until they finally reach 113’s final destination in Coquitlam BC. After about 4 days on the rails.  Time was 17:50 and in this scene the train was approaching Castlederg side road which is only about a mile or so past Bolton. This also happened to be the morning the clocks sprang ahead by an hour so even though I may have lost an hour of sleep, the extra hour of sunlight on this fine Sunday afternoon in March totally made up for it as the stars were able to align ever so perfectly for me to grab this nicely light northbound photo just before the sun began to set and from there it was time for me to call it a day and head home for dinner.
Copyright Notice: This image ©Vintage2000 all rights reserved.

Caption: After having just met both southbound trains 112 and 118 in Bolton, a ‘rather later than usual’ CP 113 is back on the move and barrels FAST through some empty farmlands in the eastern side of Caledon as ac4400cw 8145 leads todays Intermodal Northbound up the Mactier Sub up until they reach the northern half of Ontario near Cartier and from there 113 will switch on to the Cartier Sub and follow it ALL THE WAY across Canada westbound until they finally reach 113’s final destination in Coquitlam BC. After about 4 days on the rails.

Time was 17:50 and in this scene the train was approaching Castlederg side road which is only about a mile or so past Bolton. This also happened to be the morning the clocks sprang ahead by an hour so even though I may have lost an hour of sleep, the extra hour of sunlight on this fine Sunday afternoon in March totally made up for it as the stars were able to align ever so perfectly for me to grab this nicely light northbound photo just before the sun began to set and from there it was time for me to call it a day and head home for dinner.

Vintage2000 [115] (more) (contact)
Date: 03/08/2020 (search)
Railway: Canadian Pacific (search)
Reporting Marks: CP 8145 (search)
Train Symbol: CP 113 (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CP Mactier Sub (search)
City/Town: North of Bolton (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=40550
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