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A change of pace from 1993 in Sarnia's Chemical Valley. One of the few times I carried my camera in the duffle bag. The day I took this image, I knew these were sitting here, so I was prepared. Brought to the Dupont of Canada Sclair Works in Corunna, for a planned TransCAER meeting. These would involve not only the host industry, but nearby industry, plus fire, police and other responders, plus representatives from local railways (in this case, CN and CSX). There are actually 3 cars here - the International Car caboose 913C, the outside-braced 50 foot cushion car 913B, and the DUPX tank car 912. The tank car, unfortunately out of sight on the backside of the curve, is for demonstration and training, as it has been equipped with multiple domes, valves and interior walkways. It is numbered 912 so as not to be confused with several other, similar cars, numbered 911 under a couple of ownerships. The boxcar not only carries further demonstration features, but has the generator to power the caboose (heating, lighting etc). These 3 cars were based somewhere in the USA and this was the 2nd time that I had encountered them in Canada. Taken with my Canon TX from the cab of some obscure CSX GP38 while working the 4pm " hill job".
Copyright Notice: This image ©Bruce Mercer all rights reserved.

Caption: A change of pace from 1993 in Sarnia's Chemical Valley. One of the few times I carried my camera in the duffle bag. The day I took this image, I knew these were sitting here, so I was prepared. Brought to the Dupont of Canada Sclair Works in Corunna, for a planned TransCAER meeting. These would involve not only the host industry, but nearby industry, plus fire, police and other responders, plus representatives from local railways (in this case, CN and CSX). There are actually 3 cars here - the International Car caboose 913C, the outside-braced 50 foot cushion car 913B, and the DUPX tank car 912. The tank car, unfortunately out of sight on the backside of the curve, is for demonstration and training, as it has been equipped with multiple domes, valves and interior walkways. It is numbered 912 so as not to be confused with several other, similar cars, numbered 911 under a couple of ownerships. The boxcar not only carries further demonstration features, but has the generator to power the caboose (heating, lighting etc). These 3 cars were based somewhere in the USA and this was the 2nd time that I had encountered them in Canada. Taken with my Canon TX from the cab of some obscure CSX GP38 while working the 4pm " hill job".

Bruce Mercer [100] (more) (contact)
Date: June 1993 (search)
Railway: Other (search)
Reporting Marks: DUPX (search)
Train Symbol: N/A (search)
Subdivision/SNS: CSX Sarnia Sub (search)
City/Town: Corunna (search)
Province: Ontario (search)
Share Link: http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=39969
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Photo ID: 38766

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  1. Very cool.

    In similar news I do believe Lake State Railway ended up getting both former vans from Sarnia. 9000032 and 9000074. Both trace there, just not sure if it was 2018 or 2019 but was in October nonetheless

  2. The tank car in fact would be DUPX 913A, in step with the other 2 pieces of equipment.
    There was also another set exactly like this numbered 912A, 912B, 912C. Both sets were exactly the same, from the demonstration tank, to the cushioned box, to the International Car-built caboose.

  3. Neat angle. The door window of the caboose appears to be well protected too.

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