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Btw is that Fort Erie sign facing me a cp variant? The CN sign is on the other side.
I think I was told once that is the PC/CR style. I personally don’t know but that’s what I was told.
Looks like they added the CN side to the other side this summer, in addition to trimming the trees back a fair bit http://www.railpictures.ca/?attachment_id=37632
James – what you have in your photo is the CP “sns” which in my pic is behind me (and all grown in the weeds in summer) which faces parallel the tracks not perpendicular. CP style is to have a ‘mileboard’ one mile out and the SNS facing tracks.
I believe the SNS in your photo denotes the location of the “NYC/PC/CR then CP CASO station which last saw use for the budd cars in early 80′s and was torn down not long thereafter.
Now the CP “mileboard” at this location in my photo is kind of odd.. but whatever.. just a curiosity. Perhaps just used out of convenience. Clearly it’s not ’1 mile’ to the station but probably there just because it’s the closest spot it can be placed on Canadian soil. The fact that CP controlled the CASO after sold to CN/CP in Niagara lends to the CP signage in the area.
You can see both stations here in Arnold’s photo:
The sign in your photo, which I’ve seen in a few of mine over the years may or may not still be there, I did not venture in the bushes to look this time. Also, for Arnold (if he’s watching) the owners told me they re-used some of the stone from Bridgeburg stations’ foundation handed over by CN crews who did work some time ago, the owners re-used it for landscaping I was told.
Station Name Sign. As opposed to a mileboard.
Thanks for all that info, Steve. Much appreciated
Here is your sign James
The signs are gone. Dissapeared in late 2023/early 2024.